human rights watch

fredag 22 augusti 2014

Muslim Occupiers of Kurdistan - Worse than Israel

Islam is a terrorist religion occupation occupied Kurdistan
Muslim Occupiers of Kurdistan - Worse than Israel
Anti-Zionists are IDIOTS! They say nothing about Kurdistan.
The Kurds have a lineage possibly as early as 2,400 BC and live in the mountainous range which is occupied by four squatting countries: Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran.
Since a Saudi 7'th century invasion they became Sunni Muslim; however, they still maintain a distinct culture.

From Wiki: There are various hypotheses as to predecessor populations of the Kurds, such as the Carduchoi of Classical Antiquity and Medes. The earliest known Kurdish dynasties under Islamic rule (10th to 12th centuries) are the Hasanwayhids, the Marwanids, the Shaddadids, followed by the Ayyubid dynasty founded by Saladin. The Battle of Chaldiran of 1514 is an important turning point in Kurdish history, marking the alliance of Kurds with the Ottomans. The Sharafnameh of 1597 is the first account of Kurdish history. Kurdish history in the 20th century is marked by a rising sense of Kurdish nationhood focused on the goal of an independent Kurdistan as scheduled by the Treaty of Sèvres in 1920. Partial autonomy was reached by Kurdistan Uyezd (1923–1926) and by Iraqi Kurdistan (since 1991), while notably in Turkish Kurdistan, an armed conflict between the PKK and Turkish Armed Forces was ongoing from 1984 to 1999, and the region continues to be unstable with renewed violence flaring up in the 2000s.

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