human rights watch

torsdag 19 februari 2015

Saman Nasim mother's letter to all human organization in the world to save his beloved son's life.

Saman Nasim mother's letter to every human organization in the world.
letter to all human organization in the world to save  her beloved son's life.
if you save my beloved son's life, I thankful, please Barack Obama and Mr. Banki mon UN General Secretary please i need your help my son's life is in danger.
Saman nassims mom calls outside world to stop execution against his dear and beloved son.

I am currently writing my eyes full of tears and I actually have not slept in err days I have very strong nightmares because I love my dear and beloved son Saman Nasim, therefore I urge the UN and all human organization in the world save my beloved son's life.
Please please save my son's life halt execution against my beloved son, I'm a mom all mothers who have children know just how I feel today and how I am today, you can send a letter to Iranian leaders, so maybe those Forgive my beloved son Saman Nasim.
You are moms know just how I live today, I'm restless I'm terribly worried about what will happen with my dear and beloved son, Iranian juvenile offender, Saman Nasim, could be executed as early as 19 February 2015 for crimes allegedly committed when he was 17 years old. He was sentenced to death after an unfair trial.
I have heard that they want to execute my son 30 bahamn.
with friendly greetings Saman Nassims mother.

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