human rights watch

måndag 17 april 2017

Ali Khamenei, the Iranian religious dictatorship leaders who have cancer his doctors said yesterday it will not save lives khamenies cancer took over his body and he is about to die.

Ali Khamenei, the Iranian religious dictatorship leaders who have cancer his doctors said yesterday it will not save lives khamenies cancer took over his body and he is about to die.
but we have received information away from the main inside Iran, many find Mojtaba khamenie his son to sit in the religious leader's place, because Mojtaba khamenie using ahmedinejad killed Rafsanjani. Mojtaba khamenie as dangerous as his father because Mojtaba khamenie organized a group in Iran who rape children in Iranian schools and you who have heard about haj tosye who raped boys and girls at a Koran school in Tehran

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